Friday 5 October 2012

Removing Acne through Acne Vitamins

Removing acne is not an easy feat, but luckily there are a variety of products on the market to help control acne. Not only is acne visually unappealing, if it persists for long enough it can have many emotional and social side effects on the individual. Teenagers with extreme acne have lower self-confidence and are less likely to attend social events than their acne-free peers. In extreme cases, teenagers have even switched schools and even committed suicide from a lack of self-esteem caused by excessive acne. It is important to control acne once it begins and treat the source rather than the outbreaks as they occur. Unfortunately, there is no magic cure for removing acne. It is a timely process and can involve the use of many different acne products, but is very much worth it in the end. Not only will the individual have clearer skin, but also a boost in self-confidence. 

Many dermatologists recommend that individuals with acne use an acne medication that helps control the amount of oils produced by the skin. Acne is caused by excess sebum, or skin oil, production. The excess sebum then clogs the pores leading to breakouts, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads and cysts. Currently there are several products with acne vitamins and prescription medications which can successfully control acne and limit the amount of sebum produced. It may take several tries to find the right vitamins or medication for removing acne, but after a few weeks the results will be noticeable. In addition to getting the body’s skin oil production under control, it is important to use a daily acne cleanser along with face lotion to remove any dirt or bacteria accumulated on the skin.